Friday, November 21, 2008

The Baddness in us.

Isn't it funny the lessons we learn from our kids. They see things so simple. Especially when it comes to the things of God. Michael came up to me just now and said "Hey mom i gotta tell you something" He was holding a sword and he said this is the Strength of God. He said "Jesus loves us. The baddness took our hearts and jesus, with the strength of god took the baddness out and put our hearts back in here" He said this as is patted his chest. "Right mom, Jesus loves us and he put out hearts back right" Sometimes the Baddness trys to creep into our lives and our hearts and even our minds and God takes it out and puts our clean heart back in. It's funny how this is so hard for us to grasp at times and a 5 year old see's it so clearly. He's always reminding me how much Jesus loves us and how Strong he his. I'm glad because sometimes life gets so hectic that i tend to forget that.

He reminded me today so i thought i would remind you.
Jesus loves you.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Star Tours Fever

So most people know that Michael is nuts about Star Tours at Disneyland. When we first started going to disneyland michael was too short and growing to slowly to be able to ride the ride. So finnally tired of waiting Michael got some new shoes:). They gave him that little boost that he needed to hit the height mark. I still remember so clearly the moment when they said he was tall enough. He was glowing and the smile wouldn't fade. I waited for Rich and him to get off the ride and he was so excited even then. "Mommy they let me on the ride. I was big enough and they let me on" He was so happy and so excited that he was finnally big enough. Then he wanted to ride it again right after so it was my turn. Needless to say i got motion sick, but it was cool to ride it with him. After just one ride he knew the ride by heart and said every word by heart. He was in love with Captain Rex, C-3PO, and R2-D2. He rides it faithfully every time we visit and is even more excited then the first time and is still amazed that he is tall enough to ride. So now Halloween is coming up and Michael has decided to be C-3P0 this year and of course Gabriel will be the matching R2-D2. He is so excited because we are going to Disneyland during Halloween and he gets to ride Star Tours as C-3PO and be him all day. So in 10 more days we get to go. We have tickets to the Halloween Party after hours to trick-or-treat with the characters and everything and we are so excited about. So Disneyland here we come.. It has been too long.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Drop your bags at the door

I'm so excited..In just a few weeks we are having our womens mini-retreat. I know that God has some awesome things in store for us. He's been using me alot in some new ways and i am so excited about that also. I've become a part of the women of my church in a way. It's taken time and effort and sometimes it wasn't so easy but i have grown so much these past few years and i am learning to make the jump from youth to woman. I have always felt more comfortable with the youth and in that area but i know that it is time for me to become a part of the womens group and i am so excited to see what God has in store for me.

November 8th is the mini-retreat and it is going to be awesome and i hope everyone is ready to come and Drop their bags at the door and let Jesus claim the baggage in their lives.I know i am!

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Begining

Well everyone else is doing it huh....ok i know if everyone else jumped off a bridge would i jump too? Well no. Actually this whole blogging thing seems a little vain to me to think that someone somewhere out there would acutally care to know what is going on in my life. But on the other end i could care less and just think that the outlet might be a little relaxing late at night when the kids are asleep and i have a moment to myself.

So how about a confession. I play webkinz..Late at night when everyone else is in bed i get onto webkinz and trade stuff and earn money so that Michael can have the money to buy the stuff he wants the next day..It awful i know but it is the one huge bonding thing that we do together. It's like our mother-son speacial time together during the day without Gabriel bugging or trying to stick his nose in. Michael loves it and we play the games together and look for rare stuff and we just have a ton of fun.

On the other end of things i am somewhat peaceful amidst all of the things going on in my life. With Uncle Jon not doing so good lately it is a little tough but i know in my heart and in my mind that he is going home to be with Jesus and a little jealous that he gets to go play with Bryce before the rest of us. He doesn't have to wait as long as the rest of us to see that little angel again. This last year has gone by so fast and it hardly seems as though it has almost already been a year since we lost Bryce. I don't even think about Thanksgiving or Christmas the same now.I just remember him and how we lost him and how he is gone and how he won't be here this year again. But i know God is in control even when my world seems to be going crazy. It's funny because really no one knows what i have gone through this year. Outside of our immediate church and our family no one really knows. It's not like we're famous and it was all over the news, even though in our town it was pretty big. We won't ever be asked onto a late night show to say what this tragedy has done to us and how we trust God no matter what. But that doesn't matter because i know. And i know what God has done in our lives and i know how far we've come. We've lost some this year and we've gained some. Sure i have questions sure i ask why and i know that i'll never know, but still i trust God. God is Good.

I am Blessed.